Quantum Relaxation Massage
The Relaxation Massage is a technique that mixes soft and firm movements over the body. These movements, in turn, stimulate the production of relaxing hormones, such as oxytocin, which improves stress and feelings of fear, as well as serotonin, which normalizes mood and heartbeat. In this massage that provides deep relaxation, not only the tension produced by the nervous system is reduced, but also the toxins accumulated in the muscles.
75 min. Quantum Massage - $120
90 min. Quantum Massage - $145
120 min. Quantum Massage - $180

Quantum Deep Tissue Massage
Deep Tissue Massage (or “Deep Massage”) aims to deeply relax the muscles, fascia and joints and relieve tension. Through the more intense, slow and continuous pressure of one or two minutes of this technique, myofascial release occurs in the stretching of connective tissues with a focus on releasing stress, fatigue or muscle nodules.
It also works on 'trigger points', which are small areas of chronic muscle contraction. Very suitable for patients with chronic pain and athletes to treat pain and muscle stiffness, provide elasticity and bring range of motion.
75 min. Quantum Massage - $120
90 min. Quantum Massage - $145
120 min. Quantum Massage - $180

Multidimensional Head Massage, Neck and Shoulders
The health benefits of this head massage extend beyond physical well-being. Unblocking the higher chakras through the Multidimensional Healing and increasing serotonin levels during the massage, it can reduce the stress, anxiety, negative thinking and even depression symptoms. The head massage can also helps to release muscle tension in neck and shoulders and chronic headaches and migraines. Relieves sleeplessness, restlessness and insomnia and renews energy levels.
It’s a true boost for your Mental Health.
Crystals can possibly be used during this healing head massage.
45min - Multidimensional Head, Neck and Shoulder Massage - $ 75

Multidimensional Quantum Healing with massage
A combination of Quantum Massage followed by Multidimensional Stellar Reiki healing is a restorative and blissful treatment where you can change the full chemistry of your body deeply, in all levels, whether in the physical, emotional, mental or in a spiritual energetic field. Emotions and traumas are also storage in the muscles and the Massage along with the technology of the Multidimensional Reiki helps to release it.
This ultimate healing is to restore vital energy and generate energy balance by cleansing negative emotional and mental patterns, reliving body pain and aches, renewing DNA, unlocking, activating and expanding all chakras and the energetic body quantum field, helping to transmute the old patterns to the highest frequencies of health.
You can choose the type of massage you want, if it’s Relaxation or Deep Tissue
Crystals, Aromatherapy, Honohono Maori Healing, techniques of Multidimensional Reiki and intuitive healing are also part of this treatment session.
120 min. Quantum Massage + Multidimensional Energy Healing- $220